Welcome to Blue Class!
Our teachers are Mrs Frere-Cook and Mr McGreevy. Our KS2 Learning Support Assistants will also be working with our class. Come and meet our team!
Mr McGreevyY4 Teacher
Mr McGreevy
Role at School: Deputy Headteacher; Year 4 Teacher; Year 6 PPA Teacher; Assessment Leader; School Website, PE Subject Leader.
Likes: Family time, music, Star Wars, Nottingham Forest Football Club!
Hobbies: Football, cinema, running, reading, outdoor time with my family (when the British weather allows!)
Mrs Frere-Cook,Y4 Teacher
Mrs Frere-Cook,
Role in school: Year 4 Class Teacher
Likes: My cat Alba, spending time with family and friends, G.B.B.O., frogs!
Hobbies: Swimming, reading and travelling
Letters Section
Curriculum Section
Y4 - Autumn 1'Mummies and Mysteries!
Y4 - Autumn 1
Y4 - Autumn 2'Will Water Last Forever?'
Y4 - Autumn 2
Y4 - Spring 1'The Norsemen Cometh'
Y4 - Spring 1
Y4 - Spring 2'The Iron Man'
Y4 - Spring 2
Y4 - Summer 1'Nihon-Go!'
Y4 - Summer 1
Y4 - Summer 2'An Inconvenient Truth'
Y4 - Summer 2
- Calculation Policy Y4
- Spring 1 Knowledge organiser Invaders and Settlers
- Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words
- Year 4 National Curriculum Objectives
Recommended Reading List for Year 4