Welcome to Green Class!
Our teachers are Mrs Plater and Mrs Starr. The KS2 LSAs will be also working with our class.
Come and meet our team!
Mrs PlaterY3 Teacher
Mrs Plater
Role at school: Y3 Teacher
Likes: Visiting the beach, coffee and chocolate
Hobbies: Walks in the woods with my family and my dog, reading and riding horses
Mrs StarrY3 PPA Teacher
Mrs Starr
Role at school: PPA Teacher across the school (Y1, Y3, Y5, Y6) and EYFS Teacher on Wednesdays
Likes: Giraffes.
Hobbies: Playing netball, spending time with friends.
Letters Section
Curriculum Section
Y3 - Autumn 1'From Stone Age To Iron Age'
Y3 - Autumn 1
Y3 - Autumn 2'As Cold As Ice'
Y3 - Autumn 2
Y3 - Spring 1'Charming Chocolate'
Y3 - Spring 1
Y3 - Spring 2'Don't Forget Your Passport!'
Y3 - Spring 2
Y3 - Summer 1'The Tin Forest'
Y3 - Summer 1
Y3 - Summer 2'The Romans Are Here!'
Y3 - Summer 2
- Calculation Policy Y3
- Y3 Autumn 1 Knowledge Organiser Stone Age to Iron Age
- Y3 Autumn 2 Knowledge organiser Polar Rgions
- Y3 Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser Charming Chocolate
- Y3 Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser Dont Forget Your Passport
- Y3 Summer 1 Knowledge Organiser The Romans
- Y3 Summer 2 Knowledge organiser The Rainforest
- Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words
- Year 3 National Curriculum Objectives
Recommended Reading Lists for Year 3
Y3 - Butser Farm - Oct 2024