Welcome to Orange Class!
Our teachers are Mrs York and Mrs Starr. Our Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Page.
Come and meet our team!
Mrs YorkY1 Teacher
Mrs York
Role at school: Year 1 Class Teacher
Likes: Walking the dog, going on bike rides with my daughter, chilling out watching repeat episodes of 'Friends'!
Hobbies: Swimming and running.
Mrs PageY1 L.S.A.
Mrs Page
Mrs StarrY1 PPA Teacher
Mrs Starr
Role at school: PPA Teacher across the school (Y1, Y3, Y5, Y6) and EYFS Teacher on Wednesdays
Likes: Giraffes.
Hobbies: Playing netball, spending time with friends.
Letters Section
Curriculum Section
Y1 - Autumn 1'Under Construction'
Y1 - Autumn 1
Y1 - Autumn 2'Celebrations'
Y1 - Autumn 2
Y1 - Spring 1'Out of This World!'
Y1 - Spring 1
Y1 - Spring 2'Down Below'
Y1 - Spring 2
Y1 - Summer 1'Tails, Wings and Things'
Y1 - Summer 1
Y1 - Summer 2'Homes and Habitats'
Y1 - Summer 2
- Autumn 1 Year 1 Marvellous Me
- Calculation Policy Y1
- Y1 Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser All Around the World docx
- Y1Autumn 2 Knowledge organiser Lets Celebrate
- Year 1 National Curriculum Objectives
Recommended Reading Lists for Year 1