
The internet is a fantastic resource for both education and entertainment but with it comes an element of risk. We work with our pupils in school to help them understand the dangers and learn how to keep themselves safe.

  • All staff and volunteers read and sign the School Acceptable Use Policy before using any school computing resources.
  • Parents are asked to read and sign the School Acceptable Use Policy for pupil access and discuss it with their child.
  • Parents are also asked to sign an acceptable use agreement providing permission and guidance on the use of pupil images.

We teach children to use the internet and other technologies safely, and we show them how to behave in an appropriate manner. They know what to do if they feel uncomfortable with anything they see or hear either online or through other technology, such as mobile phones. We have a simple procedure which we hope is also used at home:

If anything makes you feel scared or uncomfortable online tell a trusted adult straight away. If this happens, you must remember it’s not your fault and don’t be afraid that you will get into trouble.


You can also tell the police what is happening so they can help you by clicking on the CEOP logo below. If there is an adult you trust, like your mum, dad, carer or teacher, get them to help you fill out the form.








E-Safety For Parents - Useful Websites

The amount of information on the subject of internet safety can be bewildering. Click below for a variety of websites offering information to help you keep your children safe online.


Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.


Childnet is an organisation whose mission is to work in partnership with others around the world to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.


The UK Safer Internet Centre, where you can find online safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online.


E-Safety for Parents - Useful Documents

Safer Internet Day 2021

This year, the theme for 'Safer Internet Day' is: 

"An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world."

Here is a video some of the children made inspired by Safer Internet Day 2021
