
Our Curriculum Offer

Our curriculum at Walberton and Binsted CE Primary School is designed to:
• embed our key values, knowledge, understanding and skills
• be modelled through the attitudes and behaviours of all members of the school community
• be inclusive and provide progression, continuity and challenge
• be broad and balanced, matching individual pupils’ needs
• stimulating, fun and flexible to foster a love of learning
• be a journey through which children can re-visit and embed skills and develop a deeper knowledge.

Click on the document below to find out more about our Curriculum Offer.

What is the National  Curriculum?

At Walberton and Binsted CE Primary School, we teach all subjects enclosed within the National Curriculum including:

English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, Religious Education (R.E.), Art, Design and Technology (D.T.), Geography, History, Music, Modern Foreign Languages, Physical Education (P.E.), Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (P.S.H.E). and Relationships and Sex Education (R.S.E.).

For more details of each subject area, click into the gallery below.

Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1108)














This document is a guide to the new curriculum which outlines what has to be taught within each subject to each year group.
A guide for parents published by Rising Stars.

We have also produced guides below which set out the main objectives for each Year Group in the core subjects of: Reading, Writing, Spoken Language, Mathematics and Science






How do we implement it?

We believe in making learning experiences exciting, fun and unforgettable! By the time our children leave us, they will have blossomed into independent, creative and intelligent learners who achieve well.

Our approach to the curriculum allows us to tailor learning to suit the needs of each child in our school through inspiring and challenging first-hand experiences. We believe that children learn best when they are excited about what they are going to do and we cover much more than just the New National Curriculum.

Broadly speaking, we divide our curriculum areas into half-termly topics.

How are our half-termly topics planned?

Within each of our half-termly topics, we have a key ‘Subject Driver’ which, as it says, drives the topic forwards. We try to introduce the topic through an exciting ‘hook’ or ‘take-off’ which sets the tone of the topic so children know what they are setting out to achieve in the form of the ‘Big Picture’. During each topic we cover all other curriculum subjects, some of which will link closely to topics, and others which may be taught more discretely e.g. maths, phonics, spelling and grammar. We have a variety of reading schemes to ensure that children’s preferences are met. The core scheme is Oxford Reading Tree. The core Phonics scheme is Read, Write Inc., supplemented by other phonics materials.

What does our curriculum look like?

As the year progresses, please do take the time to explore the curriculum details below, which set out the learning experiences each of our year groups (Y1-Y6) has to offer with our curriculum maps:

Autumn Term (First Half) - Curriculum Maps







 Autumn Term (Second Half) - Curriculum Maps







Spring Term  (First Half) - Curriculum Maps 







Spring Term (Second Half) - Curriculum Maps







Summer Term (First Half) - Curriculum Maps







Summer Term (Second Half) - Curriculum Maps