Day to Day Information

The School Day – Our Timetable

At the start of the school day.

The large school gates onto the main playground are opened at 8:40am and is closed at 8:50am in the mornings. Infants (Yr-Y2) walk round to their classrooms with their parents/carers whilst Juniors (Y3-Y6) are encouraged to make their way to their classrooms independently once they have entered via the school gate to the main playground.

There are usually two members of staff on hand at the start of the school day to pass on any messages to class teachers. Other messages can be passed on via the School Office.

School finishes at 3:15pm. The school gate is opened at 3:10pm for parents/carers to collect their children from a designated place outside each classroom.



Daily worship

Assembly is either in the morning just before morning break or in the afternoon just after lunch break. We offer a variety of collective worship opportunities during each week. This includes times when we meet as a whole school, Key Stage and in class groups. We also have choral worship. The vicar of our local parish church, the Rev. Tim Ward, regularly leads assemblies on a range of themes. Other spiritual leaders who regularly offer worship are Pastor Ray (from Walberton Baptist Church) and Hugo Van Driel (from Yapton Free Church).



Learning at Walberton and Binsted begins promptly. It is important that children are in school on time. Being punctual is a life skill.

We do endeavour to encourage all children to be punctual for school so they can begin their learning on time. If, for whatever reason, your child is late for school, the side gates will be closed and you will need to use the main entrance to enter the school. You or your child must then inform the office staff that you have arrived at school before going to your classroom.



It is critically important that children attend school every day unless too ill to do so.

(Natalie, Y5)

(Joseph, Y1)

Unless your child has had sickness or diarrhoea (in which case they must have 48 hours off school to avoid the spread of nasty bugs) please make every effort to bring your child into school every day. Typically, mild colds and coughs and general feeling ‘under the weather’ should not prevent a child from attending school.

Reporting an absence:

If your child is too ill to attend school, please ring us before the start of each school day where they will be absent on 01243 551398.

Requesting a known absence:

If you wish to request a term-time absence, please collect an absence request form from the school office, putting your request in writing to the Headteacher and explaining the length and nature of the absence.

Please note: the school will not authorise holiday absences under any circumstances, and may request a fixed penalty notice for any unauthorised absence of more than 10 sessions (a session is half a day) within a 10-week period (see policy for details).

(Mya, Y6)

Absence can be authorised if:

  • The pupil is genuinely ill or prevented from attending by unavoidable cause.
  • The absence occurs so that the pupil could take place in a religious observance set apart by the religious body to which the parent/carer belongs.
  • The school at which the child is registered is not within walking distance of the child’s home and no suitable transport, boarding accommodation arrangements or alternative school placement have been made by the LA.
  • The pupil is attending an event in which they are still being educated, with prior notice/ consent by the school, such as a sporting event/ music/ dance exam.
  • The pupil is the child of Traveller parents/carers.
  • There is a family bereavement.
  • The pupil is involved in an exceptional special occasion (to be determined by the school).

(Arianne, Y1)

Absence will be counted as unauthorised if:

  • No explanation is forthcoming. The school should be informed on the first day of any absence and the reason and expected length of absence given.
  • The school is dissatisfied with the explanation.
  • The pupil stays at home to mind the house or look after siblings.
  • The pupil is shopping during school hours.
  • The pupil is absent for unexceptional special occasions.
  • The pupil is away from school on a family holiday.

Click on the link below for our full Attendance Policy and a copy of our Attendance Matters Leaflet


Break time

Morning break time runs from 10:35am until 10:50am, whilst afternoon break time runs from 2:00pm until 2:10pm. All the children (with the exception of YR initially) play together on the main playground at morning break and lunchtime, but in Key Stage playgrounds in the afternoon. The children enjoy using the field at break time in the summer months and early autumn months when it is dry.



Lunchtime begins at 12:00pm. The children eat their lunch in the hall, under the supervision of the lunchtime supervisors and Y6 buddies who encourage the younger children to remember good table manners. There are two sittings for lunch. The infants eat first, followed by the juniors. Children sit in friendship groups and enjoy this social time. After eating the children have time to play and relax before afternoon school begins at 1:00pm.


Absence and Holidays

Children are required to be in school every day as they have a right to their education. The only exception to this is if they are unwell. We request that all holidays are taken in school holiday periods so that your child’s learning is not disrupted. There is significant evidence to show that those children with poor attendance fall behind with their learning and have trouble catching up. It is therefore also important to try to book appointments with doctors and dentists either after school or in school holidays, again to avoid your child missing out on their learning.


Absence from school due to illness

If your child is poorly and has to be kept off school please telephone the school (01243 551398) to let us know on the morning of the first and each day of their absence. On returning to school, please may you write a short note to the teacher dating it and stating the reason why your child had been absent. These forms are a written record which we are required to keep.



At Walberton and Binsted School, we encourage our children to wear their uniforms with pride. Click here for more information on School Uniform.


PE Kit

The children wear PE kits according to their House Colours: Blue, Green, Red and Yellow. Click here for more information on PE kits.


Driving, Parking and Road Safety

If you need to transport your children to and from school by car, please be aware of local residents, pedestrians and cyclists when driving and parking in our village. We have disabled parking access within our school car park, but please note that our car park is for staff and visitors only. There is pedestrian access to our school from the village car park via the village park just outside the school. Our Year 6 children participate in Cycling Proficiency training every year, and we do encourage older children to cycle to school if they are capable. If you do cycle with your child to school, we respectfully ask you to dismount from your bicycles and use the path next to the car park area. Please support us in ensuring everyone is safe on their journey to and from school.


Illness and Medication

If your child is ill they should remain off school until they are better. The advice is 48 hours at home if they are sick. However if they have a cough and cold they should still attend school.
Under most circumstances we do not administer medicines in school. If your child is given antibiotics please may you give them their doses at home. If your child has asthma and needs an inhaler or has an epi-pen for anaphylactic shock, then please speak to one of the office staff who will explain what you will need to do. This medication is kept in school and all staff are trained to administer these, however there are routines we need to follow to ensure your child remains safe and we would like to communicate with you clearly regarding these.

Accidents at School

We have very few accidents in school. The most common incidents are children falling over their own feet or colliding with others, usually when they are tired! Should there be an accident in school which involves a child bumping their head you will receive a letter to inform you and a member of staff will speak with you at the end of the day. Staff are highly vigilant regarding care of a child following a bump. If we have any level of concern regarding the health and well-being of your child we will contact you and speak with you immediately.


All children are expected to read regularly (we hope this is mainly for enjoyment). The children are also expected to complete times tables practice and weekly spellings. Sometimes the children are asked to complete (optional) longer homework projects. These have included mini projects which proved to be extremely popular with the children.



Keeping your child safe is of utmost importance to us in Walberton and Binsted School. The school is surrounded by a tall fence and after the last classes have entered the school grounds in the morning, the school gates are all locked. The only entrance into school is via the front doors where everyone has to be given access by the school office staff.
We are also vigilant regarding the use of IT equipment and regarding any adults who have contact with our children. Child protection procedures are followed closely and we operate a ‘Whistle blowing’ policy to encourage people to be aware and speak out should they have concerns.

Educational Visits

We believe that these are really important for our children, enriching learning. Each half term we have a topic focus and often there is a visit arranged to support this learning. Most are very local and you will be fully informed regarding each visit. Sometimes a voluntary contribution is requested towards the cost of the visit and transport.