
Welcome from our Co-Chair of Governors

Welcome to Walberton & Binsted CE Primary School, our beautiful, well-equipped village school set in wonderful grounds. We have two Co-Chairs-  myself, the Reverend Tim Ward (elected in summer term 2022) and Mrs Sue Cox (elected in summer term 2023).

As Vicar I have been a Foundation Governor since 2002. Until 2019, I was Vice Chair of a multi academy trust. Before being ordained, I was a secondary school teacher of history. I still enjoy helping with school trips and history lessons with Year 6. I also lead fortnightly whole-school assemblies on Wednesday mornings. 

Our Christian ethos encourages kind, thoughtful, responsible behaviour and provides a supportive community where everyone’s contribution is valued. The atmosphere is positive and I find talking and engaging with the children for example in our collective worship times, is always encouraging. I know that the entire team at our school understand the importance of every day in each child’s life, and we want to set our sights as high as possible for our pupils with the help of our parents.


Rev. Tim Ward
Co-Chair of Governors

What do our governors do?

Our governing body is responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a high quality education for every one of our pupils. Together with the headteacher, who is responsible for day-to-day management, we set the school’s aims and policies.

Key roles of governors:

  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • To hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent

Find out more about becoming a governor

If you are interested in becoming a school governor you can find more information from these websites:

Inspiring Governors – Working together to improve school and college governance
SGOSS – Governors for Schools


Please meet our Governors:


  • Rev Tim Ward
    Co-Chair of Governors
  • Mrs Sue Cox
    Co-Chair of Governors
  • Mrs Lorna Earle
    Co-opted Governor
  • Mrs Sonya York
    Staff Governor
  • Ms Amy Wilkins
    Parent Governor
  • Mrs Diane Rogers
    Foundation Governor
  • Mr Mike Mansergh
    Co-opted Governor
  • Mr Joe Neale
    Local Authority Governor
  • Mrs Jenny Challis
    Clerk to the Governors
  • Mrs Laura Brockhurst
    Head Teacher


Please click here for more detailed information about Governors, their term of office, attendance at Governor meetings during 2022-23.

Governors' Newsletters