Collective worship

The Importance of Collective Worship in our school.

Collective Worship occupies an important and unique place within the life of Walberton and Binsted CofE Primary School. It’s a key way to realise our vision of “The Joy, The Journey, The Learning” and a sharing of time together as a school family, an important part of our broader school life.

It provides an opportunity for members of the school community to pause from activity, to gather together, to learn about and reflect upon the Christian beliefs and values which bind our school community together. Through worship, we aim to educate our children and make them aware of what it means to be a community committed to serving and caring for each other, for God and for our environment.

Through Collective Worship, we aim:

  •  - to give opportunities to enable pupils to develop sensitivity and a sense of wonder, awe and mystery for the material and spiritual world
  •  - to be central to school life so that we can celebrate and develop our school’s Values (Faith, Love, Respect, Aspiration, Perseverance, Kindness and Honesty) and Ethos
  • - to be inclusive and involve others: everyone present is engaged in his/ her own way
  •  - to provide an atmosphere of trust, allowing for free response
  •  - to allow children to explore their own beliefs and affirm the equality of each individual in God’s sight, regardless of gender, ethnicity, physical or mental ability
  • - to provide opportunities for spiritual development – to use celebration, silence, stilling, reflection, contemplation, prayer, song, symbols and imagery as vehicles for worship and spiritual growth
  • - to seek, deepen and widen the experience of those of ‘faith’ and encourage those of ‘no faith’ so that they begin to feel for themselves something of what it means to worship
  • - to enhance the curriculum so that there are appropriate links to others subjects, to our RE policy and current class work
  • - to ensure that worship is in accordance with the foundation and principles of the Church of England


How do we plan our Collective Worship?

 Our acts of Worship during the week are as follows:

  •  - Headteacher (theme to set the tone for the week, linked to a Value)
  • - Deputy Headteacher or Class Teachers (Choral Worship)
  • - Worship led by 3 clergy members from different denominations
  •  - Key Stage or Class Worship
  • - Celebration of Achievement Worship


During Worship, we encourage children to reflect, to be still, and to listen carefully to the views of others.  Pupils show real respect for this stillness time.

On occasions we also have visitors who come in to deliver and share Worship with us.

 Themes of Worship

The school follows a half-termly theme for Collective Worship within our school. Planning for Worship is mainly covered by the Headteacher, Rev Tim Ward and the RE Subject Leader who work together to ensure topics are relevant and meaningful to our children.  Planning includes links to the ‘Values for Life’ document and also with our school Values, Christian Festivals and other key important dates within the Christian calendar.  Other members of staff leading Worship that week plan individual assemblies.

 Displays in our main atrium usually follow the theme, Christian value or Biblical reference we are covering within Worship.  Our school Hall display always reflects the current theme or Value and is often added to or referred to during the Headteacher’s Worship with the school.

Education Sunday

 We are very proud to host the congregation of St Mary’s Church at school for the ‘Education Sunday’ Service annually, and led by Rev. Tim Ward. 

This is considered a very special occasion enjoyed by staff, pupils and of course our local community.

Prayer Spaces

Collective Worship is also about creating special areas within our school (both inside and outside) where we can spend precious time in reflection, or join in a collective celebration and worship of God, in various locations around our school and beautiful grounds.

As part of Prayer Week, we developed a variety of Prayer Spaces which the children both created and used as part of the special week of prayer.

Click here for more details.

Parents are entitled to withdraw their child/children from Collective Worship if they wish.  Alternative provision for the withdrawn child is negotiated with individual families as and when necessary.